

Hi! My name is Billy Bookcase (yes, it's just an alias because I don't think the whole world needs to know personal things about my family). Our daughter is in high school now and doing great! We are so proud of her! She loves school, playing trumpet in the marching band, and has great grades (A’s and B’s)! We hope she can stay in the band but right now we're behind in this year's fees. There are many school fundraisers to help the students pay for their marching band costs, but only a fraction of that amount goes directly into their account to help them out. The total fees a year for her to be in the band are around two thousand dollars a year. We do expect her to work at fundraisers to earn part of the amount needed. By donating through this LFEBridge account we will be able to use the extra money to help pay for her school expenses (minus the 2.9% fees that the website charges us). Any small donation would be greatly appreciated and can be anonymous if you want it to be. Thank You!

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