1,633 days ago, a beautiful little Princess was removed from a bad situation and placed with her (foster)Mommy via Florida’s Foster Care System.In this time they have become famILY! Even adding a younger (foster) sister who absolutely worships the ground this little Princess walks on! After all this time together and many hurdles this beautiful family was finally told that, they could finally be just that, a family! The case management agency was going to allow the little Princess to be adopted by her Mommy!This was fantastic news, everyone was thrilled but then…. Disaster struck. The agency that had given approval for this adoption to finally take place was purchased by another company (leave it to FL and their privatized child welfare system). This new company has other plans.They know nothing of this sweet family nor have they stopped to take the little Princess’s wishes to heart. They have opted to allow this Princess to be adopted by an Aunt who has denied custody of her numerous times in the past.They want to rip this little Princess away from her Mommy and her sister, her family. To place her in a strange town with a person who has denied her multiple times.Sometimes the family you create cares more for you than the family you were born into and that couldn’t be more true in this case. Please join me in helping raise funds for attorneys fees so that this Mommy can continue to fight for her Princess!
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