We are the Bratzes and this is our story. I am Dale Bratz, my wife is Jamie, and we attended the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Jamie wasn't receptive to my interest in her while we lived in Burroughs Hall or even as we eventually lived directly across the street from each other on College Ave. It wasn't until a chance meeting in Stevens Point a few years after graduating that we began dating. She affectionately refers to me as her "favorite plan B." Jamie and I got married in April 2016 and we had our first child, Nola, in March of 2017. Now 6 years old, Nola is the all-nurturing caretaker of the family. In November 2018, we welcomed our second daughter, Tilly. Tilly is our spunky loveable 4 year old middle sister who never stops hugging her sisters. Our final child chapter ended with another girl. Jamie gave birth to Saylor in August of 2024. Our 2-year-old, Saylor, is the happiest baby we’ve ever known and currently, our favorite since she’s the only one to ever sleep through the night ...and in her own bed. We didn't realize just how important or big of a role the birth of Saylor would become for our family. Saylor inadvertently brought awareness to changes in Jamie’s body that we could not see and had not yet known. Toward the end of 2024, Jamie noticed something wasn’t right during feedings with Saylor. Saylor was rejecting the right side of her momma, and we could not figure out why. Jamie began noticing some significant swelling in her right breast but chalked it up to routine complications from breastfeeding. When the remedies to alleviate the pain and swelling didn’t work, Jamie’s Doctor ordered a mammogram, and it was then revealed that there were multiple tumor growths in her right breast. The resulting biopsy revealed exactly what we feared most, as Jamie went from a very healthy mom to now having to process how she was going to take on "very aggressive breast cancer." As for Saylor rejecting the right breast, we found out it was due to the cancer altering the taste of the breast milk. Through all of the recent pregnancies, nothing had ever come up, which is what made these tumor growths so concerning. They grew rapidly, large, and spread to her lymph nodes. One tumor alone in her breast measured over 8 centimeters. Due to the very aggressive nature of the cancer, Jamie endured the first intensive wave of chemotherapy in early 2024. On July 18, 2024, Jamie underwent a complete mastectomy, hysterectomy, and sentinel lymph node removal. The biopsies from those surgeries, unfortunately, had shown the cancer "lacked a complete pathological response" and was still active. Just a week after her surgeries, Jamie had to have another surgery to remove the remaining lymph nodes from her right armpit. Following the surgeries and intensive chemotherapy, Jamie completed radiation treatments which (as the treatment is intended) left her with severe skin burns. As with all heavily invasive treatments, Jamie has numerous side effects she muscles through daily. Jamie will have to take daily hormone pills for the next 5-10 years as well as pill-form chemotherapy for 2 years (as well as a cocktail of other pills to combat the side effects of side effects). Through the physical changes, severe nausea and headaches, Jamie has handled the adversity wearing that same beautiful smile she used to flash at me in college when I’d ask her out and she’d say, “No.” In all sincerity, she’s been an inspiration to me, and especially to the three little girls looking up to her every day. Throughout the continued treatments, Jamie says, “I have to get better for my girls.” It will be a long road, and we’re not sure when or where the finish line will be, but we’re encouraged by the incredible support. People we’ve never met are pulling for us and demonstrating exceptional kindness. Donations made will go towards the following: Medical costs for non-covered treatments, as well as a high medical deductible Mortgage and bill payments due to time away from work when Jamie is feeling ill from treatments Child care for when Dale is working the night shift/sleeping during the day and Jamie needs to rest Cost of meals and groceries We’re humbled as these selfless acts of love give our family hope, especially on days we need it most. Nola, Tilly, Saylor, Jamie, and I appreciate your consideration. Even as uncertainty looms, we still feel blessed. Thank you!
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