The following description has been copy-pasted from Jenni’s (Mom) Facebook. For those of you that don't already know, which is most. My most precious boy George had an accident on June 10th. He was doing a flip and landed wrong at the end of his sister Greta's birthday party. After x-rays and an MRI, we thought everything was going to be just fine after some pt. About a week and a half later George didn't even have pain, stiffness, or swelling. After feeling like he was back to "normal" he went on bike rides, skate parks, swimming, zip lining, boating, even a few weeks later he went to Silverwood for his birthday. Yes, he rides all the roller coasters!!!! Then we went to his first physical therapy appointment we had been waiting for after he got back from a summer visit with his dad. The Rockstar doctor noticed an abnormality on the month-old MRI. Thank goodness!!!! We decided together to get a stat CT scan and reading by radiologist at the end of the day on Friday… We were very blessed that they agreed to squeeze us right in. A few hours later that night I got a phone call from that doctor that George's neck was in fact broken, flipping broken! George, pretty much damaged and things in all different ways and his neck from C5 to T1. He is currently having a C6-7 ACDF, Allo graft C5-T1, and possible Post 1 fusion. The doctor that called to tell me his neck was broken Friday night said that it was truly a miracle that George wasn't paralyzed instantly on June 10th and especially that he hadn't become paralyzed in the past month. After that conversation I talked to several physicians telling me that my son "shouldn't be okay", "My family has angels watching over us", "George is a medical mystery", " George used up his 27 lives", "there must be something special he's supposed to do", "he was a ticking time bomb", "not everyone gets a second chance like us", "it doesn't add up that he didn't end up paralyzed with everything he did after the accident” , and so on… We don't know why George was spared. We know it was a blessing from heaven!!! We will never forget that!!!! George is in surgery as I'm writing this. (I hope all of this makes a little sense) I haven't been able to eat or sleep much in the last few days… We just found out last night that everything was 100% in order for surgery from the staff to the hospital being ready, to scheduling, to insurance approval. We have been here at the hospital since 5:45 a.m… George has been positive, brave, calm, and comforting to ME even though this is happening to HIM!! George was just a few minutes away from surgery and he started getting anxious. I hugged him and he started to cry in my arms. As we cried together, I sang him a song and rocked him like I used to when he was little. This was one of the hardest and most precious moments that I'll never forget. For a moment he was my little boy again that needed his mamma. Then they had to take him away. It's so hard to trust, have gratitude, and have faith in times like these but we have to. Thank you to the army of people that have been reminding me of this and cheering us on!! This is the second son I've had to hand over to surgeons and their staff. I know it could be way much worse, but this is NO FUN!!! So far today the wonderful service, laughs and empathy, along with a very organized, professional and clean environment has been impeccable. So grateful for all my wonderful friends in the medical world as well as those that have gone above and beyond to make phone calls on our behalf and have checked in on us thus far. I have been through a lot in my life. Too much. So have my children. The silver lining has always been that we have an unbreakable bond. A sick or injured child in any capacity is one of the most sad and terrifying things to go through. It also makes you realize what's important in life and who's important in your life. Thank you to all the people for coming over to pray with us, hugged us, and cried with us, have made us laugh, and brought George a feast and entertainment so I could work for a day and not have mom guilt, offering to bring a meal, and friends trying to get my car running, or offer to let us shower at their house because we still don't have a working well (there are even more things that are falling apart in our lives , Can the trials please stop!!!) It almost kills me to ask for help or accept it. It's something I'm still learning. We need help!!! We need more miracles!! We love you and appreciate you all. We will get through this like we always have. There are still so many good people in this world. I'll forever appreciate GOOD doctors that are good at their jobs, care about people, listen to their intuitions and mothers!! Grateful for the precious, beautiful pregnant nurse that gave me comfort mother-to-mother right before they took my son back and made me cry, grateful for the quotes sent, and written prayers sent, and the personal experiences shared! Please continue to pray for my precious boy. He will be in the hospital 24 to 48 hours. He will be recovering for 3 to 6 months. We are hoping that he will only be losing 15 to 20% mobility in his neck. If all goes well George should be able to do almost everything he wants to do in the future!!! Hallelujah!!!!! If you are not comfortable donating through this portal, feel free to contact the organizer, Susy, for alternate ways to donate. From Organizer, Jenni is not someone who will ever ask for help and this is why I have taken this upon myself to put this together for her. As she stated above the surgery is not all she is dealing with. The well in their home has gone dry, they have drilled 400 ft and still no usable water. Her only transportation has been broken down and she been borrowing friends cars for the past few weeks. Along with lost wages being at home taking 24 hour care of her son, being a single Mom and caring for 2 other kids, she could really use not only financial help (big or small) but prayers of strength as well. We love you Jenni! You are stronger than you know.
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