I met Steve in 2019 when I began volunteering in the First Impressions team at Potential Church. In that time, I have seen how Steve has remained a faithful servant to this community. He shows up week in and week out- always with a smile on his face and a selfless attitude. He is a dedicated individual who relishes being counted on no matter his physical limitations. Earlier this year, as he and I were serving together, I learned that he'd been experiencing some issues with his wheelchair. He mentioned how he'd been carrying around a bag with tools to help him fix his wheelchair because bolts were unfastening and pieces would be disjointed and out of place. A few months later when he couldn't keep up with the deterioration of his chair, he requested social services to get him a new one. What he received instead was a used chair that did not meet the same specifications as the one he previously owned. The previous chair did not have sidebars which allowed him to maneuver more easily. Steve would like to go to the gym and play basketball to stay active. He is unable to do that with the current chair that he received. He's also had issues where the chair has caused him to be imbalanced and almost fall over. The foot pedals are also higher, causing some discomfort in his legs by the way it positions them. This chair was not made for him. For that reason, we wanted to rally together and help him out. Our brother-in-Christ is in need of a customized chair that meets the physical needs that he has. Please consider donating to this cause. Any donation will be greatly appreciated! All funds will go to either the repair of his original chair or the purchase of a new one.
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