

Hi friends. As many of you know, I’ve been dealing with an ongoing stalking and assault situation for over 2 years now. I’ve been trying to obtain a protection order recently and I’m being met with many obstacles. The individual is actively evading service and I’m now on hearing number 3, set for August 8th. Each time I go through this process there is cost involved (not to mention the emotional and actual labor). So far scanning and copying documents and paying a process server has cost over $200. After many attempts by the police, process sever, and my partner, we still haven’t been able to successfully serve this individual. That means no protection order for me. My next option is service by publication, but this is costly. I will need $1400 to run the summons. $465 per week x 3 weeks. At which point, if he doesn’t respond the judge can proceed without his participation and hopefully I will finally be granted the order and can breathe a little easier. All of this is coming at a time where I’ve lost a few too many days of work due to summer vacations for the family I nanny for, and finances are uncomfortably tight. These added costs are a great source of stress during an already very difficult time. I would be exceedingly grateful for your help with this need!!

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