

Hi, My name is Taylor and I am making this Go-Fund me to help with Winnie’s (my baby, my light, my world) medical/vet bills. Writing this is hard, it feels surreal. It’s hard to describe my relationship with Winnie in words. Those who know me or have seen us together know that there really isn’t any separation between Winnie and myself - and there hasn’t been since the day I brought her home. I adopted Winnie in 2018 at 3.5 years old, she had been severely abused and neglected and was terrified. I saw her hop out of the ASPCA transport van and I knew immediately, it was her-it had always been her. I went up to her kennel once she was situated and I swore to her that I would never leave her, I would love her more than she could ever know, that she could count on me, and I would do everything in my power to give her the most beautiful and full life possible. Even as I sit here writing this go-fund me, I am still trying to honor that promise. Winnie and I are a single unit or entity. She is half of my heart and soul and I am half of hers. Words don’t do a heartbreak like this any justice. Words don’t do her any justice. I need her to be okay, or Im not going to be okay. She has so much more life to live, smiles and wiggles to be had, and things to knock off the coffee table with her tail. She is still so spirited and so alive. I cant let her down. Words to describe our relationship would be devotion, intuitively connected, a unit, an unbreakable bond. If you have seen me in the past few years chances are you’ve either met Winnie too, or I have talked (probably more than you cared to hear) about her. From the day I brought her home it has been her and I against the world. She is my whole world and I am hers. We have only spent 18 days apart since that day in 2018 - she has seen 33 states, flown over 100 times, seen 3 Great Lakes, and 3 oceans. Like I said, we are one -where I go, Winnie goes too. Even as I sit here laying in Winnies bed (it smells like her and that makes me feel safe) I find my self struggling to put words to all of this - somehow it makes it feel real and that realness tugs me into an internal space of absolute heartbreak and despair. Though I saved her by adopting her -She has saved my life in countless ways, countless times. Here I am trying to save her life (again) too. This is what we do, we save each other, we support each other, we love each other fiercely, we go to the ends of the earth for one another. I keep hearing jingles and thinking it’s her coming to check on me, or I’ll look somewhere and think I see her and then realize. On our latest roadtrip Winnie started off her wiggly and smiley self. Around Thursday, July 27th, Winnie started becoming very ill. She would scream in pain and her whole body would shake uncontrollably. We were on a remote island in Voyageurs National Park at the time, so we quickly packed up our boat and took Winnie to shore. Being that we were in a remote area vets were sparse and it quickly became a situation of Winnie needing an ER. We got Winnie checked into the closest 24hour ER near us at the time in Fargo, ND. Winnie stayed at the ER in Fargo for 12 hours before I got her out per the ER informing me it could be another 6-12 hours before she was seen "because she was stable". We immediately loaded up our car and drove 15 hours home. When we got home Saturday Winnie appeared back to herself - smiling, wiggly, sparkle in her eyes. Monday night Winnie began throwing up, and proceeded to throw up 4-5 more times. We got her to the ER in Colorado Springs, we checked in at 9:30am. Got a room by 1:30pm, and were seen by the vet shortly after. At 6:30pm my whole world stopped. Winnie was checked into the ICU and this morning (08/02/2024) was checked into an internal medicine hospital. We have learned that Winnie has low platelet levels (she should have about 200,000 and only has 16,000 currently). There are several factors present on why this might be, though she has tested positive for two tick born illness antibodies -we are waiting to find out if these antibodies are from active infection or if her platelets are low due to an autoimmune issue. We also have learned that Winnie has two 5cm tumors in her spleen (the doctor described them as being about the size of a peach or an orange). Winnie cant be operated on for her spleen until her platelets are back up to an okay level. These factors combined make Winnie extremely fragile right now - she cant clot blood, so if she were to get a cut or have a bruise her body cant repair itself like normal. On top of that, her tumors are irregular and could rupture. Because of this she has to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days. So far we have been estimated $5,000-$9,000 dollars for the care of her while we figure out the platelets alone, this is on top of the $2,500 we spent at the ER yesterday. This estimate doesn’t include the surgery she will need for her spleen, or any potential additional therapies needed should her tumors be cancerous. I am and will put everything, EVERYTHING, every dime cent and penny I have toward keeping her alive and figuring this out. I ask for you to consider donating too. Thank you <3

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