Hi my name is Joey and we are in need of enough money to support Bert as he needs constant monitoring in the ICU for the next 3+ days. Bert fell ill last night, our beautiful boy couldn’t move a muscle. After numerous tests, The ER vet advised he was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis, has pancreatitis, and a UTI. While Bert can make a full recovery almost without a doubt, that won’t be possible if we can’t afford the care he needs. At $3,300.00 /night minimum we know we can’t do it without your help. The doctors have said there is a 2% chance he survives if we take him home untreated. We thank you all, Bert is a lover and definitely deserves a long, full life after how amazing he has been in his 4 short years on earth. We appreciate your kindness and generosity! Please help us keep Bertie Alive!!! we need him :(
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