Hi! I’m Samantha, a 27 year old Latina transfemme living in the rural south. I am unemployed, uninsured, have untreated ulcerative colitis, and a persistent fistula that has gone untreated for over 9 months. The days where I deal with persistent pain keep increasing. I’m not out to my family and I have been denied medicaid and other financial aid from my state’s social services. I want to try and get on disability, but in the time I’m waiting for that my condition could worsen. It has been 5 years since I was diagnosed, I can’t work on a consistent basis, and most of my income sources have gradually evaporated. i’m just barely paying my monthly expenses by the skin of my teeth. I simply can’t cover my health expenses on my own. I intend to use these funds to seek treatment my chronic illness as well as ongoing healthcare needs (including transition costs) until such time as i can get on disability. Any amount you contribute is truly, greatly appreciated.
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