

Hi friends. Rachel here. First, thank you for all your love and support since June 12th...the day Richie's life was changed forever. As most of you know, while crossing the Fremont Bridge, Richie was the first car in a multi car collison. He was rear ended by a semi going an estimated 50 mph on impact. His journey started at OHSU, then to RIO at Good Samaritian, and he is currently in the spinal injury inpatient rehab program at the VA hospital in Seattle. He started his day on June 12th a healthy and very, very athletic and strong 37 year old...and is now considered a quadrapalegic and is paralyzed from his chest down. He is currently working on getting strong enough to come home to my parents house to begin his new way of life. And we want him to have the best opportunity to thrive immediately. So, I have been given permission from Richie and my parents to reach out to our community about our immediate financial needs. If you feel so inclined, we are hoping to raise money to renovate my parents bathroom and bedrooms for Richie to come home in a wheelchair to. We are also looking into vehicle options for wheelchair capability and would love to try and fund this without a loan. The great news is that his medical bills are all covered under the VA, that is a huge blessing he will not have to worry about. We have no idea how this ask will play out, but I can promise full transparency on how we use any donations towards renovation or vehicle or equipment. And if in the end we have some leftover, we will happily donate the rest to the Fisher House run by the VA hospital in Seattle. ALSO. We have no clue where to look for resources on how to begin renovation or any of that. If you know of anyone or a business or a company, PLEASE reach out to me. It will be so helpful to us immediately. Right now we are looking to October for Richie to be discharged and we are praying daily everything will be ready for him. This is the last thing we want him worried about right now. And if all you can send our way is your love and prayers, please know we take them whole heartedly and are so so thankful. #Richiestrong

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