Pastor & Mrs. Carl Carlson have been faithfully serving the Lord together for over 30 years. They have invested in countless lives and have lived a frugal, sacrificial life while looking out for the needs of others. Now the opportunity has come for their friends and associates to meet some of their pressing needs. The Carlson's have both battled ongoing health problems for many years. Pastor Carlson has suffered from 4 heart attacks which led to him having open heart surgery and ten stents placed. He also suffers from diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, gastroparesis diabeticorum, and DISH disease of the spine. Recently, Brother Carlson took a fall and destroyed his knee. He is now in need of a total knee replacement. His immediate needs are a handicapped mobility scooter, a lift for his truck to carry the scooter, and a ramp built so he can safely and easily have access into his house and hopefully get back out soul-winning again. Mrs. Carlson has also suffered for years with cluster headaches and must get costly shots every month. She has undergone several oral surgeries with two more coming up. They have several other pressing needs concerning their house, not to mention numerous medical bills that have stacked up. The Carlson's truly are amazing people and some of God’s choicest servants. Their faithfulness and tenacity have had an amazing influence on those privileged to know them. They have given their lives for the cause of Christ. They have loved people unconditionally and met the needs of those around them for many years. The Lord will undoubtedly meet the Carlson's needs, but this is simply a notification of how others can help if they wish to do so. Will you help be a blessing to two of God’s greatest servants? Thank you for loving this dear couple, for praying for them, and for doing what you can to lift this burden.
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