Hello! We are four daughters, looking to ease the expense of a bilateral lung (double lung) transplant for our mom, Gail Butterfield! How we got here: In 2016 our mother was diagnosed with COPD. After managing it for three years, she moved to Florida to assist her parents. In Florida, she was exposed to Mycobacterium Interjectum which is a bacteria that eats away at lung tissue and is antibiotic resistant. In February 2024, she was referred to a lung specialist after six months of unresolved treatment and diagnosis. The specialist did further testing and identified the bacteria. Mycobacterium Interjectum is a rare condition in which the bacteria destroys lung tissue. It took two years of antibiotic regimen both infusion and oral to obtain a negative sample. During this time, her lungs continued to deteriorate. She currently has 17% lung function, needs to be on oxygen 24/7/365, has a daily medication regimen, and has a severely impacted and declining quality of life. Her lungs will never heal and her lung function will continue to decline over time. A bilateral lung transplant is her only chance at survival. Following countless appointments, tests, catheterizations, body scans, bloodwork, pre-pulmonary rehabilitation, and many other procedures, she was finally added to the UNOS Transplant List for her double lung transplant on April 14, 2024. We are all so grateful and excited that she will have this opportunity to get her life back! However, the cost of the transplant, the post-operation hospital and rehabilitation stays, and the anti-rejection medications she’ll be required to take for the rest of her life, will be exorbitant. We are determined and hopeful. Thank you so much to everyone who stops by this page, donates, and or shares! We are so appreciative!
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