

UPDATE: You can also support Olithea by purchasing something from her Amazon Wish List! ----- As a dear friend of Olithea's, I am managing this fundraiser on her behalf. Learn more about her upcoming procedure by reading her story below: "Hello, I’m Olithea—a Singer, Songwriter, Voice Teacher, Producer, Sound Healing Practitioner, all-around Creative Human. The amount of joy I feel performing and teaching is insurmountable. I feel extremely blessed that I knew at an early age that I wanted to live my life creating music for others to enjoy. I also have a deep passion for setting other people’s voices free through evidence-based vocal technique. Even though I pride myself on setting others free musically and vocally, I have lived in a prison of pain that very few people know about. About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids. Fibroids are benign tumors that can be found in the wall of the uterus. They range in size, and depending on someone’s hormones, they can multiply quickly. Many women with fibroids can be asymptomatic and can go undiagnosed for years. Black women are 80 times more likely to be diagnosed with fibroids. However, they can also cause extreme pain, and in the worse cases, lead to infertility. Years of suffering with fibroids has made life incredibly difficult. I have lived with debilitating cramps, prolonged bleeding and bloating (where I look 5 months pregnant), and immeasurable amounts of chronic back pain, to the point where I haven’t been able to move. I have decided to finally make the thorough, painful, yet freeing choice to get a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy will remove the fibroids as well as the uterus and cervix so I will not get fibroids in the future. This surgery will finally give me the relief I need and deserve, so I can continue doing my chosen life’s work. Surgery was not my first option. However, it is my only option at this point if I want to live a pain-free life. As I said before, I feel extremely lucky that I have created a life where my work brings me a lot of joy. However, the potential of not working for almost three months in recovery causes me great anxiety. Living in New York City, one of the most expensive cities in the world, while not working could be extremely detrimental to my livelihood. Although vulnerability is hard, I believe in my community, and asking for help is the bravest thing I can do. If you can donate, the funds would go toward 3 months of: Rent and Utilities Food and Groceries Recovery Supplies Incidentals and Unexpected Costs If you can’t donate that’s ok as well. Sharing this post, a kind word or a prayer is always welcomed."

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