Please help us support the Van Noord family as they travel to California so that Penny can undergo major heart surgery. We are raising funds to help offset the cost of travel for the family and caregivers, as well as lodging and childcare while they are in Palo Alto. Any other funds will go toward Penny's medical expenses. Penny Van Noord was born without a pulmonary artery. At the recommendation of Penny’s cardiologist, the Van Noords are traveling to Palo Alto so that Penny can undergo heart surgery at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University. The team there is better equipped to help patients with complex conditions. There, the surgeons will be placing a conduit so blood from the heart can reach Penny's lungs. They will also attempt to close the major holes in Penny's heart. You can learn more about Penny's condition and get updates at her CaringBridge site: The hospital’s estimate for Penny's recovery time is 3 to 4 weeks post-surgery, with an added week of medical appointments and procedures prior to surgery. Penny’s recovery time for past surgeries, however, has consistently exceeded expectations. Therefore, James and Becca are preparing for a much longer stay, which may include a mix of living in spare rooms, the Ronald McDonald house, and hotels. James and Becca plan to drive Penny to California. The two younger kids will fly in with a family member after the surgery and initial recovery (about 2 weeks later).
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