

Hi everyone, I'm fundraising for myself for an electric light weight folding wheelchair and accessories to help me get around.  2 years ago when having an echo cardiogram test done found out the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy had advanced and I had about 40% heart function remaining.  Fast forward 2 years and steadily significantly noticing a reduction in physical function then having another echo cardiogram test done finding out from the report there is less than 20% functionality left.  I had borrowed a wheelchair to goto that echo test at HSC. Trying to wheel myself through there is was a good thing I was already sitting as I would have collapsed a few times with my legs giving out.  I have more tests coming up at the Grace hospital and back at HSC for other appointments and tests.  Or if I want to goto a store I can get there but I can't "walk around" it at all. Or goto forks or the zoo with a friend and kids. I can't do it  And now I find out I need a lift to get the PowerChair in and out of the van as it weighs 300 to 350 lbs. at an ADDITIONAL cost of 7500$

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