Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read my request for help. This is difficult for me to request due to I am not one to ask for help but I am truly in need. I need to have treatment on both of my eyes. I was diagnosed on Tuesday with Diabetic retinopathy and I need help to pay self-pay rates to have injections in both eyes. The treatment is urgent due to I cannot see well enough to work and it will lead to blindness if not treated. I am freaking out but I have to man up and do it Since diagnosed with diabetes May 17, 2024 I have been fighting for my life. I thought I was having a stroke so I drove myself to the ER and after CT, labs, and scans I was diagnosed Hypoglycemic. My blood sugar was almost 400. I could not focus my eyes, I had a migraine for days and my entire right side of my body was shaking severely with tremors. The ER put me on Metformin to lower my sugar levels. I started with the lowest dose and over the next 6 months the dosage increased to the max dose. My quality of life went to nothing. I was being poisoned. Out of the 30 side effects of Metformin, I suffered 25 of them in the most severe ways possible. I went from a healthy energetic person to a person that could not do anything. I looked like I was a 90-year-old Parkinson's patient. So I finally asked my doctor to change medications so she put me on Glybuterine. We had to adjust the dosage but slowly over the next 6 months, my body is healing. I am still fighting but I need help. 2 months ago I had to leave my job due to my health. I missed a lot of work over this journey and I was physically and mentally exhausted. I had to quit so I could focus on my health. I wasn't sure how much longer I could have existed like that. I was a shell of myself and I have lost 60 pounds, all I wanted to do was die due to I was in so much pain physically and mentally I had nothing left. I tried to get assistance from my employer but they could not or would not accommodate me so I had to make a choice. I don't regret my decision. After about a month I was feeling much better, I was becoming myself again. Then, about 2 weeks ago my eyes got bad, I can't read, drive, focus, make out contrast, or handle bright light. I also had a migraine for weeks. I went to eyelabs to get an exam and glasses but they referred me to a retina specialist for an urgent exam. So I went to the specialist and I now have to get injections in each eye every month to relieve the pressure on my retina so I don't go blind. I have to do this treatment, the condition is curable but without treatment, the deterioration will not stop. I am really scared due to my phobia about being injected with things but I have to do it. I am still fighting but now it is a different battle. If you can help I will be grateful. Please pray for me. Thank you all and I love you!
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