Update: 7/26/2024 @10:00am Dearest Community! Reggie is out of surgery and is now in recovery. She will be overjoyed with the love and support from friends and family and new friends that have come together and made a difference. I just heard her voice in the middle of writing this post. She said hello and said she loves me. My sister Alexis said she is groggy and worried about everyone else. That's my sister! The level of support we have received over the last 24 hours has truly been a testament to the relationships we have nurtured, the people we are connected to, and to good people in this world who just care, pure strangers. That feels good. I managed to smile all day and work, a full day feeling optimistic with barely anyone knowing what was going on in my personal life. I was able to get through that because the energy that was given to me through this LFEBridge $10K effort, further proves that the good is everywhere if we choose to see it! You are all gems, gold, and undeniable sources of the positive energy we manifested throughout the entire country over the last 24 hours. Thank you for your donation and words of encouragement. You know who you are! Whatever source of power you believe in and draw from - it showed up in all forms. Strength in numbers is unstoppable when used to uplift one person! I saw that today! Thank you for that. ------- Known to many as Reggie, my sister Gina Basulto is fighting breast cancer. Even through these dark times, she is still finding reasons to smile. Reggie is the mother of two kids and the most amazing Tia on the planet. Tomorrow morning, July 26, 2024, she will undergo a double mastectomy at South Miami Hospital. It's hard for me to write this without crying. Her smile, generosity, and joy are contagious. Reggie is the eldest of five. She's my sister, best friend and someone who continues to inspire me. It's her turn to be on the receiving end of being nurtured and supported and feeling all of the love she deserves because that is how she has always shown up for the people in her life and those she comes in contact with. I'd love to raise $10,000 for Reggie. This can help her pay for medical bills and living expenses. Raising this money will help support her during the healing process and cancel all of the stresses that come with such a life-changing event. Her Diagnosis Miami Cancer Institute Diagnosis on May 12, 2024 Information: Right breast invasive lobular carcinoma Stage: IIA Surgery: Double Mastectomy Bills Reggie has been accumulating doctor bills over the last few months and the surgery on 7/26 which is almost $3,000. She will also have reconstructive surgery. While her body prepares for reconstructive surgery in a few months, she will be home recovering and supported by her family and loved ones. Let's Raise $10K For My Big Sis The first surgery is July 26, 2024 and she will need at least five weeks to recover. In twelve weeks she will be ready for reconstructive surgery, which will take another four weeks of recovery. That's almost six months of fighting. I'd love to relieve some of her stress with your support! If 500x people donate $20, or 1000x people donate $10, we achieve our goal. We will all play a part in supporting my sister's mental health, physical health and recovery. I am more than happy to share medical bills if there are any large donors interested. If you cannot donate, pass it on. If you donate, please leave your name and a comment so Reggie can read the support she is receiving from family, friends and those she doesn't know but have been touched and want to support.
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