

If any of you know my mom Annette Charchan, you know that she is one of the kindest, most selfless, and most loving people on the planet. Always known to put others before herself. Not only as a mom but as an educator, a church member, and in the community. A month ago, she began battling a serious medical condition that prevented her from standing or walking under her own power. This is especially devastating to her because, like me, she has always been an active and healthy person who can’t sit still. The doctors believe it to be an autoimmune disease called “Myopathy” which a progressive weakening of your muscles until you get so weak you can’t do basic daily function (our current state). The outlook for most is a recovery that is long and physical demanding on both her and all those around her. She is currently(as of 7/17/23) at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor in the ICU on a Ventilator. The donations would specifically go toward two things; 1. Costs associated with her medical care that is not covered by Insurance/Medicare including extensive Physical Therapy treatments, medications, treatments and extended hospital stays. 2. Basic costs associated with my 78 year old dad driving to and from the hospital 2 hours each way (250 miles) every other day. Any amount would be a blessing no matter how small.

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