Life can be ironic, but not all irony puts a smile on your face. I’m sure we have all heard stories about doctors becoming patients, and our story is unfortunately no different. Our beloved mother and friend/colleague to so many, Priscilla Anyiam, recently suffered a stroke in the brain region called the medulla that occurred while she was in the morning “Department Head” meeting in the Skilled Nursing Facility where she worked as Director of Rehabilitation. She was admitted to the hospital where she stayed for almost three weeks undergoing tests and treatment. While hospitalized, Priscilla suffered yet another stroke, and this one, unfortunately, affected more areas of the brain, resulting in significant symptoms, such as right-sided weakness, loss of balance, and loss of vision. She now is unable to walk or transfer to the toilet and bed without assistance. Where this story continues to become even more devastating is the fact that these disastrous health events occurred during a time when Priscilla’s employment status was transitioning from full-time employment as a Director of Rehabilitation through a contracted Rehab Agency for the Skilled Nursing Facility to then becoming the full-time “In-House” Director of Rehabilitation for the Skilled Nursing Facility. Due to the transition date occurring while Priscilla was hospitalized and through no fault of her own, her “In-House” position was terminated, with HR telling her that they had to terminate her since she could not “actively” work for them in the building. Priscilla also did not qualify for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) since she had not been employed by the Rehab Agency for at least 12 months. In addition, she also lost her health insurance as a result of this employment fiasco and is now awaiting approval to receive the federally regulated Cobra Insurance which sadly has very expensive premiums. If you are a Rehab or Healthcare Professional reading this, you certainly can count the number of times that you have worked for a contract company, only to be asked to continue with the facility as an In-House staff member. Did you ever think that this series of events might occur that you might have a health event during one of these types of transitions that not only affected your health, but your employment, your health insurance, and consequently the ability to take care of your family? This situation of two significant strokes combined with termination of employment status and health insurance should not happen to anyone, let alone to a wonderful person like Priscilla who has spent a lifetime helping OTHERS regain their abilities after strokes. She has been such an amazing support system to many, and yet now, her support is limited to what just a handful of loved ones can provide. For, you see, in December, of 2024, Priscilla unfortunately lost her husband to Covid-19, and she had to become the major breadwinner as a result. This new situation for Priscilla as the major breadwinner included not just caring for her two younger children who are still dependent on her, due to still going to school, but also providing financial assistance to her mother in Nigeria who suffered a brain aneurysm and requires continued healthcare support. Now unable to work, compounded with Priscilla’s husband’s tragic death, she is without income to pay for living expenses, medical expenses, and rehabilitation expenses. Therefore, this LFEBridge is being organized to help Priscilla and her family continue to pay for their living expenses, medical expenses, and rehabilitation expenses so to help ease the burden on her children, so Priscilla be able to take care of herself once again, recover, and get her life back, however long that takes. Thank you to any and everyone that can donate, ahead of time. For your generosity in our time of need, God will be sure to bless you 1000 times over!
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