

Our daughter, Miriam, has joined the Mission Aviation Program (MAP) at Oklahoma Academy. Upon graduation, she will spend a year in the mission field (possibly in Peru), assisting with the needs of the people for transportation, while sharing the love of God with them. Miriam explains in her own words: "Until last year, I hadn’t seriously considered Oklahoma Academy, then when the Mission Track Director chose to send some of the MAP graduates to Alaska for their mission service to work from our area, I was inspired, and began to reconsider my options. At first, I didn’t want to go, but I could see that God was leading. Finally, I chose to go and joined the mission track as a MAP student. Since then, I have learned a lot, both about aviation and about God. I’ve grown closer to him, and I look forward to sharing with you the exciting journey he is leading me on." To launch Miriam on her journey, she needs $7500 raised by August 17, so a little over a month. Read her full story here If you prefer to give directly to Oklahoma Academy, avoiding LFEBridge fees, here is the link (just enter Miriam Downs in the Sponsoring a Missionary field): Donorsnap for Oklahoma Academy

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