Three years ago I lost my dad. This was sudden and no one saw it coming, it was also during the 2nd year of my training in my degree to become a Mental Health Nurse. Losing him made me nearly quit my course and set my clinical depression on a downward spiral. This year in January I completed my training and completed my course despite the utter devastation I felt from the loss of my dad. I didn't go to my graduation as I couldn't afford it and didn't want to celebrate without my dad there. I had planned to pay for a plaque/memorial for my dad who was ex-army and the rock in my life. He taught me to help others, be my best and try and live life to its fullest. Throughout my life, he stood by me every step of the way, regardless of how bad my choices were. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for him. Losing him changed me, it took a part of me I won't ever get back, my 2 young daughters were upset by it and saw the change in me too. I try my best to stay above water and ensure my girls have the dad they deserve. Without my dad here to speak to I find it difficult to get the advice I need. Even though I'm a dad myself now, it's not easy when you're own isn't there to guide you. I promised my mother once I was working I would fund the plaque as currently, my dad lays peacefully in an unmarked grave. I am receiving counselling and help towards how I feel right now and have no shame in getting help. I've made some bad choices in life and learned from those. I created this fundraiser in the hope that I would finally raise enough funds to pay for a proper way to mark the area my dad is buried and give him the remembrance he deserves. He was taken before his time and a true gentleman. I also hope some of the money can help me get out of this awkward financial situation I am in. But the primary goal is to raise enough for my dad's memorial of some sort. I'm a proud person and hate asking for help but I've exhausted all my options and feel this fundraiser is a way for everyone to show remembrance and help out someone who only ever wants to help others. Any help you can provide, even in small amounts would mean the world to me! I want to get back to the person I know I am but 2 years down the line and all my plans have gone out of the window, the one goal I had was to be the one to fund a memorial for my dad and I feel like I have let my family and friends down by not being able to fulfil this promise. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I didn't want to make anyone read through all my problems and feelings so tried to keep it short and to the point. My dad always told me, life is better when you help others. God knows he helped me enough over the years and I wish he was here to help me deal with everything going on :( Your help will allow me to make my mother deal with the loss better, she has wanted to have a plaque since the funeral but can't afford to do it alone. Thank you.
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