

Hi, my name is Flor, I’m 33 years old and a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful girls. In early March of 2024 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer stage 2 and it felt like my world came crumbling down. I felt so scared and angry I asked God why me? What did I do to deserve this? But when I saw my girls, my anger towards the world changed, I thought, why them? They are innocent kids who don’t deserve to see what their mom is going through. This treatment has been hardcore, never in a million years did I think I would go through this, I do not wish this on anyone. Not being able to play with my kids or even take them out to the park to enjoy summer its been hard on me, mentally and physically. I know one way or another my kids are being affected by what I’m going through. It breaks my heart seeing their faces, not understanding what mommy is going through or why mommy can’t get up without struggling or why mommy cant walk without being out of breath. The emotions I was feeling turned into motivation, I need to pull through not only for myself but for my family. I needed to show my girls what a tough mom they have and that just like I will, they will be able to tackle anything life throws at them. My husband is currently the only one bringing in an income to our household, sometimes he has to take off work to take care of me or the girls which results in less income to support our family. Life has been difficult with keeping up on bills and groceries and day to day expenses, to add my treatment and surgeries, it just makes me worry about our financials future and if my four girls will have stability. This type of cancer is very invasive and can manifest itself anywhere else in the body. Thankfully I have a great team of doctors taking care of me. I am already half way through my treatment but still need surgeries and after chemo treatment. Unfortunately, I recently found out my health insurance will end on July 31, 2024 and I am not eligible for any government assistance. My chemo treatment and surgeries will be extremely expensive and I don’t have a way of getting any other health insurance. I am grateful to the people in my family who have stepped up and helped but my fight is not over. I would be greatly appreciative of any donations made to help with my treatment and surgeries. Thank you.

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