Hello, my name is Adam. I'm a 20 year old from the UK. Suprise! I'm also a trans guy and I have been out as transgender since July 2019, so for 4 years now, but I accepted I was trans in 2017. Top surgery for me seems like an impossible goal. I am not a wealthy person and I cant seem to get hired by jobs. But despite this top surgery is a need for me, not a want, hence why I've taken to LFEBridge for help as ive seen it change a lot of peoples lives. I would love to look at myself shirtless in the mirror and be happy with what I see, I would love to go swimming again because I really miss it, I would love to not almost break my ribs wearing a binder, I would love to take my shirt of in the heat, I would love to not feel disgusted when I shower, I would love to have the body I wish I was born with. My body right now isnt me, it isnt correct, but my main dysphoria is my chest which isnt something you can just change like your hair. Having this chest makes me extremely depressed and 6 years of depression so far at a young age isnt easy to handle. I feel trapped, I feel like I'm suffocating. I know for a fact that getting this surgery would also help me beat my depression, raise my self esteem and give me confidence in my body. I dont expect to recieve 7k in week, hence why I've decided to make it now. So that maybe I'll be able to get the surgery in a few years. Somethings better than nothing, no matter the amount, even a share would help a lot. At the end of day, I just want to look like other boys, I want to not get jealous of every trans guy who's had top surgery I see and wonder why my turn will come. I just want to look like myself for the first time, just like how most people get too every single day.
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