

On 10/13/2015 I found out that I have Adenocarcinoma  Esophagus Cancer. All because my chest hurt when I took deep breathes. It has taken three months to diagnose as I have had every possible test imaginable. I have had an electro-cardiogram, stress test, several EKG's, one MRI, unknown amounts of iodine and two CT scans, blood and biopsies taken. Now I need a PET scan that is going to cost me $3500.00 before the first therapy treatment is done.  I go to my doctor religiously every year for my physical and I always walk away feeling good that my numbers are where they are supposed to be. As a matter of fact it was at my last physical when I received good results. However, I mentioned having chest pains and now after many tests; here I sit with AEC.  AEC is an increasing form of cancer in the US, as the more popular Squamous Cell Carcinoma‎ is decreasing. Some Doctors say there's a low survival rate. However, I personally believe at what stage it has been discovered makes a difference when diagnosed. It hasn't been confirmed, but by all appearences of my CT scans and my endoscopy, I have convinced myself that I hopefully have caught this in the early stages. Therefore for a doctor to respond without hesitation that you have a 30% chance of survival when  querried seems morbid and insensitive, so I will be seeking a second opinion and make my decision as to what I need to do and how I proceed.    I am asking my friends to help me survive this. I promise I will fight this and I will walk away from this stronger than ever. I am humbly asking for your help. My insurance will not cover all of my expenses and I am only looking for help to relieve my stress as I have been known to stress about things I cannot control. And stress will not help me get any better. I am about to take a journey of strength and courage, a journey I would not wish on anyone. I will be introduced to chemotherapy once a week for a four hour infusion and follow that up with radiation therapy five days a week for five weeks. Afterward, I will hopefully receive good news that the cancer has shrunk or disappeared enough to have surgery to remove the bottom part of my esophagus and part of my stomach. This is not entirely a bad thing because I know I will lose weight. But who wants to do so this way.I have known allot of you for many years and some not so long; but I truly believe I can survive this with your prayers and your help.  I thank you for reading this and please know I am doing this for my family. As each day goes by, we get closer and closer and all I want is to grow old with my wife and watch my five daughters get married, have grandchildren and travel the US to places we have never been. Thank you and I love you all!

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