My health decline started back in November of 2024 when I got COVID the first time. I've been struggling since then to find my "new normal". I've had ups & downs and have tried to have the whole "I GOT THIS" mentality. Truth be told, I don't "got this"... I need help. If you know me at all you know this is hard for me, but I need to tuck my pride in my pocket & call in on those "Let me know if you ever need anything" offers. I just got out of the hospital again & there are lots of things that need to happen so I can stay here at home. I have some pretty big medical expenses (and incoming bills) that will only be partially covered by insurance so I need to do something I hate doing... which is ask for help. My out-of-pocket maximum alone is $8,000, plus the items that aren't covered by insurance, and I have no way to cover those expenses. I have to come up with my portion for the wheelchair, my bedroom door needs to be widened & a handicap-accessible shower needs to be installed as well because I can't get into the tub anymore. My latest disability appeal is still not settled. I haven't worked since March of 2024 and have been living off my savings which are now depleted. The medical equipment updates I need to do in my house that aren't fully covered by insurance are out of reach for me until I have the funds to pay for my portion before the companies will even come to do the work. I even need some dental work done that I've been putting off because it's too expensive. I just want to smile again! But, I need your help. Whether it's $5, $20 (or whatever you can) I'd be forever grateful and I hope one day to return the kindness. Thank you all. I love you.
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