Hi everyone! You may know me as Junior from the LONG COVID community. I've been suffering for 2.5 years now, and like many of you, I have raked up thousands in medical debt, which has caused a lot of stress on my single mother financially. My mom has been out of a job for over a year now, and she's been trying her hardest to keep a roof over our heads during this challenging time. My medical needs were unexpected, and having to watch her struggle with her own problems and watch her only child suffer has been really hard for me (7+ Er trips in the last 2 years and a handful of expensive specialists visits in an attempt to find out whats wrong and regain some semblance of a normal life). I've been diagnosed with POTS, neuropathy, and a suspected auto-immune process due to my COVID infection 2 years ago. I've had just about every symptom in the book at this point (crippling shortness of breath, muscle pain, unimaginable fatigue, brain fog, head pressure, vertigo, heart palpations, light and sound sensitivity, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, my mom is stubborn (like myself), and she would rather try and fix everything on her own when she is barely keeping her head above water than ask for help. In an attempt to help keep a roof over our heads and provide a safety net for future medical needs, I've setup this LFEBridge. Please remember to take care of yourselves first, but anything helps and is greatly appreciated! I understand that if you are in the same position as me and suffer from post-viral illness, you are also likely struggling to keep your head above water, as many of us are unable to work and are already relying on the ones around us to keep us afloat.
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