

An immediate member of my family has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma. We are into chemo treatments with 9 months to go, plus recovery which is estimated around 4 months. It's been a ride even getting to an actual Cancer diagnosis, between waiting in discomfort to emergency appointments and hospital visits. We needed 3 biopsies just to get answers, as the infected lymph nodes were growing and spreading from the neck into the armpits and around the lungs. In the 3rd biopsy appointment, there was a surgery to remove one of the lymph nodes where 5 units of local anesthetic still left them screaming, having to be held down. However this appointment finally gave us answers and the next steps to take. They've been put on long- term disability from a permanent, full- time position. We are looking to raise funds to move them here into seperate housing on our property, because they need to isolate after every chemo treatment. In order to do that, and keep everyone safe, we need a separate bathroom and living space.  After treatment, the body and its' fluids are considered toxic for 48 hours. This means no, to limited contact during this time; keeping their daily utensils separate and sanitized, flushing the toilet twice per use, avoiding physical activities that could cause cuts or buruising, because 911 has to be involved if blood, bruising or fever happens. Basically anything outside of the usual daily discomforts; call 911 is what they've been instructed to do.  This is difficult because those 48 hours are the most compramised, as they need physical help. Besides chemo; antihistamines and anti- nauseating meds are also administered because of prior allergies and motion sickness, this leaves them spent. They can't drive due to weakness, dizzy spells and nausea, which leaves them slow moving for days after appointments.  I realize it's strange not to announce who this is for. It is not myself, but this member does not want to be overwhelmed with contact, even via social media. Their energy levels are not what they used to be, and they strongly feel like that would be too stressful for them. Our close community has been made known. If you are aware, please do not draw public attention to them. If you'd like to know more, please message myself or another family member of mine.   We were on the hunt for a wheelchair- and we have one now- Anything helps ♡

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