

Luz has an advanced diagnosis of Glioblastoma, a cancerous incurable brain tumor. She is a single mother with a daughter who has special needs and relies on Luz for her care. The tumor is in an advanced stage causing her to experience seizures, chronic pain, memory problems, problems keeping her balance and loss of vision in her left eye. Her doctors are aggressively treating the tumor with radiation therapy and chemo in hopes of prolonging her life. Due to the seriousness of her illness, she is also under Palliative care to help her and her daughter cope with the symptoms and stress. With the many doctor visits, hospital visits, all the medications, and caring for her daughter, she has been struggling with a mounting of medical bills. Luz had another setback, because she could not afford her seizure medication she had multiple seizures and was placed in the ICU for nine days. I am making this plea to human kindness to help Luz prolong her life with dignity and compassion. All donations will directly contribute to covering the costs of her ongoing treatments and medications. God has been faithful and will guide her path. Your support means more than words can express. And your prayers bring comfort and hope. With deepest gratitude.

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