Hi, my name is Adam English and I'm fundraising for my longtime girlfriend Lannie Tran. Lannie has been out of work since the Fall of 2024, dealing with a number of medical issues, ranging from minor physical restrictions to larger health issues. During this time, she has been unable to work due to her physical condition and doctor's restrictions related to her health. She has been to numerous appointments with doctors and specialists during this time. While she has been able to weather the storm financially, she was recently diagnosed with Endometrial (uterine) cancer after an ER visit and hospital stay that required blood transfusions and a biopsy that found abnormal cells. We are waiting on the next steps after meeting with her Oncologist, but unfortunately, the medical bills for services not covered by insurance are already starting to pile up. To add insult to injury, Lannie's unemployment also recently ended, resulting in making ends meet difficult for her. While we both pride ourselves on being self-sufficient and not asking for anything from anyone, the financial reality of the situation has become clear as she enters treatment. She will likely be undergoing uterine surgery (likely up to a full hysterectomy procedure), so we are forced to ask for help while we enter this period of uncertainty. Lannie has always looked out for her friends and has gone above and beyond to help them in need, so we humbly ask that you give if you can, or share with others. Anything is wholeheartedly appreciated. Thank you!
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