Hi cuties. My name is Krista Gene (@kristagenemusic) and I’m raising funds to take care of medical expenses and lost wages due to an upcoming surgery (and previous appointments) to remove a mass from my tongue. I’m not one to normally share personal problems outside of my songwriting and try my best to be a helpful servant in my musical community…but at this time I’m the one calling out for help. I am a full time musician without health insurance and need this surgery to continue following my passion: to sing and work as a full-time musician. I originally noticed some discomfort in October of ‘22 and sought treatment in February. We are now at the stage of removal and the surgery date is scheduled for August 2nd. These funds would be used to pay for the hospital, doctor, and anesthesiologist. I also had no other option but to cancel shows for needed recovery time and pre/post-op appointments. The amount will hopefully cover all my medical bills and any additional funds would offset the loss of wages during my recovery.These funds would truly be a blessing and I’m grateful for any help and guidance. I don’t want to do this alone. I am scared and need your help. Thank you for being apart of my journey and supporting me through this time.
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