

Hello friends! I’m reaching out for help to pay for what my ENT has deemed a critical surgery. When you see me rocking out in the front row at shows around the city you might not guess that I’m doing so despite some significant ongoing physical maladies, some of which I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with since birth. There is pain in my daily life that has existed so long it’s become background noise: a constant companion I’ve simply had to learn to cope with. The things that can’t be fixed I try my best to accept and rise above, but I finally have the chance to actually fix something! My septum is so deviated that one of my nasal passages is almost completely blocked. This causes a lot of painful pressure as well as infections in the sinuses. Needless to say the condition makes breathing an even greater challenge for someone who already suffers from asthma and allergies, but it also creates the constant sensation that something is lodged in the upper part of my nasal cavity. I’m extremely tactile and, simply put, this drives me absolutely insane on a daily basis. No amount of nose blowing or cotton swabs can ever result in relief because there is simply nothing there but swollen tissue. A fairly gruesome looking surgery has been scheduled for October 5th in which my nose will be, for lack of more tasteful words, fileted open and peeled back to reveal facial muscles and skeleton (very metal). They will be breaking my nose (super punk rock) to reduce my turbinates (Google it), then rebuilding not only my septum but also the outer structure of my nostrils which have been left with insufficient cartilage from a previous unsuccessful surgery that attempted to remedy the same problem using outdated methods which have raised the eyebrows of my current specialists. The total I will owe out of pocket will be $4,700 with insurance covering the additional $18,000. You have no idea how much this will ease my suffering and change my life for the better. If you can help out and give a little to the cause, please know that it will simply mean the world to me! Thank you in advance. You rock!

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