Dear Friends and Family, If you don’t know Kirk… Kirk adventures, he captures beauty and love, and he is deeply passionate about bicycling and racing of all types. Kirk appreciates personal growth, self-awareness, and learning how to be a better human. He is a warrior - a son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, husband, and (with hope) a father. In the summer of 2024, Kirk first experienced mild abdominal cramping and possible blood in his stool. But full of newlywed joy, and amidst Covid concerns and deep fear in his gut, Kirk put off his first-ever colonoscopy. Six months later, when waking from anesthesia, he received the dreaded news of a colon tumor. To say the least, this diagnosis has altered the course of his life and that of those he loves. As a result, he has tremendous difficulty finding the enjoyment he once felt in life. He suffers incredible physical pain, hidden behind a brave face. Update… Kirk has been undergoing chemotherapy for stage IV colorectal cancer, which metastasized to his liver, since mid-May 2024. Last summer, Kirk underwent debilitating and intensive chemotherapy, called FOLFOX, with the added misery of Vectibix. Through April 2024, progress was maintained with continued treatments of 5-FU every two weeks. Treatment was paused with hopes of colon surgery, only to find a blood clot in his lungs. Now on blood thinners and with surgery on hold, Kirk returned to the infusion center an hour from his home for more chemotherapy treatments. Only a few weeks later, the first of three extended trips to the emergency room at UCDAVIS Sacramento began. June 17th, after a full blockage of his colon and a stent surgery, a nine-hour surgery removed the tumor and 41 lymph nodes (21 of which were cancerous), leaving him with a temporary ileostomy bag. Kirk recovered from the surgery remarkably quickly and has been walking 5 miles several days per week and back on his bike to enjoy what he can of his beautiful neighborhood. But unfortunately, post-operative CT scans revealed his cancer to be aggressive, with multiple affected lymph node chains, including an enlarged lymph node in his neck. This put liver surgery on hold for the unforeseen future. As I write this, Kirk is at the infusion center once again receiving a heavy dose of intensive chemotherapy, with hopes this will slow the progression of cancer. Your contribution helps… Kirk has shown vulnerability throughout his journey, even when denial of his situation seemed the easier road to travel. But vulnerability in asking for your financial support is a whole new challenge. The biggest aspect support will provide is the ability to stay present, focus on health, and even reconnect with the deeper purposes of life. This is the path that will allow him and his loved ones to find bits of stability. Ultimately, it will relieve stress, most importantly for Kirk, but also for his new and hopefully growing family. Your contribution supports Kirk’s physical and emotional well-being. Financial obligations continue, even when you feel horrible. There is vigorous care needed to get through this - nutritious foods, holistic health care, counseling, and the list continues - as well as resources to cover household expenses, monthly bills, and more. Throughout his medical treatments, Kirk has remained upbeat with a positive outlook on life. He continues to take steps towards his well-being, not only through an extensive medical team, but also through counseling, work with nutritionists, and input from loved ones. While some might be deterred by their diagnosis, Kirk has shown even more determination to return to the quest at hand - The Yosemite National Park Half Dome climbing project. Your help will take pressure off him on his most challenging of days, allowing him to focus on recovery, the time he has with his wife, and on helping prevent others from feeling his pain. Additional ways you can provide support… If there are other ways that you are able to help, great! First and foremost, good thoughts and prayers are welcome and deeply appreciated. If you have questions about Kirk’s financial needs or would like to give your emotional support, he and his wife are willing to meet face-to-face to provide more information about his situation. Your time is valuable and your willingness to help goes a long way. If you find yourself versed in the medical, social services, or financial fields and you are willing to offer your expertise free of charge, that would be an incredible way of providing help in lieu of monetary support, or in addition to monetary support. Throughout this journey, Kirk has expressed a desire to gain financial literacy to further provide for his care, his family, and most importantly, his dream of promoting colon cancer screening. Spread the word… This is our opportunity to give back to this amazing human being! He needs our help! Take this opportunity to make a real difference in his life, to change each day he has for the positive. Fill him with the love of his community and give him the push to break through emotional walls and physical discomforts. He and his family are incredibly thankful for your support. Please spread the word, as Kirk dreams of doing, and share this cause with your friends and family. View the Half Dome Half Life Teaser, produced by Kaare Iverson: With Hope and Love, Sarah Soria
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