

OK friends - Kelly is fighting cancer for the third round. She is doing it with faith and hope, but she needs some help. Many of you have asked how you can help her and this fund is how. As you all know, Kelly is a single lady with two kids - she is trying to balance being a working mother with fighting cancer.  If we could take away a little money stress and give her enough extra in her budget to buy supplements and fancy cancer starving foods she says she would be super thankful. Kelly is doing all conventional treatments but says she would love to try supplements that just aren't in her budget.Kelly also has to pay copays and is doing a huge amount of driving all over the place.  Kelly's insurance is all kinds of awesome but even with good insurance cancer is so expensive.I am also hoping enough people will donate that not only her medical expenses and any supplement she wants to use is covered but also can be used to create some memories.  Let's helps Kelly and her girls go get some mani pedis, family portraits, trips to theme parks, maybe a weekend getaway.... right now their days are filled with work, school and practices, and doctor stuff - let's put something more picture worthy in there!Locals we will have a meal list started in November for her and the girls too! Please let me know if you are want to be on that list. If you are a local friend make sure to let her know if you are willing to drive with her and hang out at doctors appointments or if you can pick up girls!Kelly has always had a servant's heart - she brought our family dinner when our littlest came home from the hospital when she was only just finished her first round of cancer treatments! Kelly is strong and will do her best to take care of herself but let's shower her with the love she has always made it a point to show others!If you are a praying person (and even if you are not) please pray for Kelly that she beats the stats! Let's be a part of that!  Be generous you guys!

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