

***Although the LFEBridge page we had before doesn’t say it, we did reach our first $5k. When I first made the LFEBridge I had no idea how much it was truly going to take to get us through this so I just went with 5k. We have been more than blessed by those that have given and the ones who have took the time to share. I am starting a second one because we are really in desperate need of donations. It never gets easier having to say that or ask for help but I have no choice. We are living on Josie’s SSI and we’re blessed with the money from the fundraiser which helped us tremendously with our bills from this month but now August is approaching and in about a month we will move to bham for radiation. Please continue to keep Josie, her dad, myself and the rest of the family in your prayers, send us good vibes and think positive thoughts because it’s all working. Our daughter, Josie who is eight hrs old was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor in March. She has now made it through five of her six phases of chemo and has been a champ. She has done everything without complaint and has shown me what true strength is. Because the chemo is so strong and kills rapidly growing cells, she is losing a lot of blood and now platelets. She got a transfusion for both this past Wed. And now today isn’t doing too well again. She swears she feels fine but she isn’t. When your a parent, you just know. After we go in for her last phase of chemo they will do a full brain and spine MRI plus a lumbar. The results will tell us whether they will do surgery or she will get to start radiation. Of course she doesn’t want the surgery and tbh who really would. All we can do is believe in our hearts and speak with our mouths that the tumor is gone. As scary as the radiation seems to me I know my girl has got this. She is the strongest person I know. She is truly kick-in cancer’s butt. Since Josie is not only undergoing treatment and has visits or stays at the hospital every week, I am unable to work. We have made it this far because of the donations, fundraisers, help from family and friends and now she receives SSI(which is only $600 a month). You can imagine how far that goes. Please share, tell your family and friends and most of all pray for our family, pray for my hero, pray that our little girl gets to go back to being a little girl because right now she is dealing with things no person should have to especially an innocent child. 

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