Hi, my name is Cathie and my son-in-law John had surgery on July 31st for a very complicated case of diverticulitis. John first went to the ER in February and was diagnosed with diverticulitis and sent home with antibiotics. He healed up quickly. Fast forward 5 months, John started getting a similar pain, this time much more severe. He ended up back in the ER, in such excruciating pain that they immediately admitted him. He stayed overnight, received IV antibiotics, and was sent home again. Throughout the 10 day course of antibiotics he was not getting better. He would try to eat and immediately throw up. Things got scary when John was no longer even to keep water down and had just about zero energy. He again decided it was time to go back to the ER. A CT scan showed not only the diverticulitis, but also a large abscess in his stomach as well as a partial bowel blockage. He was admitted to the hospital again and told to prepare for surgery. The day and a half leading into surgery was incredibly volatile, as John took a very scary turn and was violently vomiting so much that an NG tube was placed down his nose into his stomach. In the evening on the 31st John was finally taken to the OR for surgery where the abscess was drained and a drain was placed on the outside of his stomach. 200cc’s of pus was removed from this very large abscess. The drain will remain until they feel the abscess has fully drained, cleaned itself and healed. Recovery from this type of surgery is very touch and go, as the doctors are needing to monitor his white blood cell counts closely to be sure the infection and inflammation begin to dissipate. As they keep telling him, we are not out of the woods yet. Healing from this surgery depends on the infection being taken care of by the drain. We are hopeful this is true but it is also a possibility more will need to be done. On top of the surgery to drain the abscess, a colonoscopy and potential partial colon removal is possible in the near future. These procedures will not be possible until John is fully healed from what he’s going through currently. The surgeon was unable to even take a look into his diverticulitis during this initial surgery due to so much inflammation. John is a stay at home dad of a 2 year old girl, Sophie, while also trying to get several business’ off the ground. John’s partner Alyssa works full-time but will be unable to work during his recovery as she will be taking care of Sophie and John once he is finally home. We are asking for help to get them through financially to pay their monthly bills while John is recovering. We all love John so much and want to rally around him and his family during this very challenging time. Thank you so much for reading.
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