Let me tell you about my friend, Jay. He is bold, compassionate, generous, fierce, funny, and loyal as heck. Jay became the legal guardian of his two nephews when we were in undergrad. While the rest of us were stressing out about writing papers, Jay was doing that and learning how to be a parent - did I mention he is the most selfless human I know? I had the privilege of serving alongside Jay in ministry for a brief time while I was still in Oklahoma. Friends, I can confidently say that countless people have come to know that they are beloved of God regardless of what the world tells them, because Pastor Jay Williams loved them so dang well. I am a better pastor, parent, friend, and human being because I know Jay. The world is more Christ-like because Jay is in it. Last week, as Jay and the boys were preparing to move from Nashville back to Oklahoma, Jay's Jeep was stolen. Jay had recently changed his car insurance policy so that he could afford the moving truck; unfortunately, theft is not something that is covered. Moving, starting a new job, and getting the boys settled in a new school was stressful enough; I am hoping you will join me in rallying around him to help ease the burden of figuring out their transportation. If you have the means, I hope you will prayerfully consider donating. If you do not have the means, prayer is always an acceptable option.
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