

Janet’s story 2024 was the year! I had a great summer vacation visiting with family and friends but then after returning home from vacation at the end of August, I was brought to my knees. After 10 years of working at my place of employment and a job I loved, I was let go. Then September hit and I was dealing with serious family issues that continued to escalate. By the time October hit, I was already feeling pretty low. But October hit the hardest! I will never forget October 11, 2024 at 5pm. The day and time I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I received a call to go back to see my doctor that evening. I did not have a good feeling and yet I was still in shock by the words I heard coming out of my doctor's mouth! The room spun, my mind went blank and everything in my life seemed to be crashing down right there in front of me. God, is this for real? This couldn’t be true, they must have made a mistake, I thought! How could this happen to me?? But it was happening to me! My job, my life, my diagnosis! My life flashed before my eyes! What was I going to do? I still have 2 children that I wanted to see grow up and get married and have kids. What was the right path for me? I had already put my studies to be a Holistic Nutritionist on hold to deal with everything coming at me and now this! I had first noticed a lump in one of my breasts in 2013 and was recommended to get checked every 6 months, which I did with regular ultrasounds and mammograms and which always came back with a clear report and nothing to be concerned about! Not this time. While on holiday in August 2024, I had been experiencing a lot of pain in my left breast around one of the many lumps I had accumulated over the years and I thought it was odd. Once I returned back home I thought it best to get checked out just to be on the safe side, thinking it was probably nothing as usual. I had an MRI and the MRI came up with questionable findings and further tests were recommended. The next step recommended was to have a biopsy. While they were doing my breast biopsy, they felt my lymph nodes looked questionable as well and so they also took a biopsy of my lymph nodes at the same time. The lymph nodes came back negative but the lump on my breast was positive for cancer. Everything was happening so fast and I couldn’t breathe. I got down on my knees, crying, pleading to God to help me and guide me through this. I started researching everything I could about breast cancer and how to fight it. I only told a few people, I was in so much shock! I couldn’t believe this was happening to me, I was only 54!! But I was determined I am going to beat this! In all my research, I believe God showed me the path to find non-toxic cancer therapies, and how effective they have been in the recovery of cancer patients. I was soaking up all the information I could to change my lifestyle, relieve stress and find supportive treatments and find anyone...anyone who had gone through the same thing I was going through or had a cancer diagnosis that went with non-toxic cancer therapies and were thriving. 2 people, in particular, resonated with me, Chris beat Cancer and Dr.V the Breast Cancer Warrior. I drew on their knowledge and experience and started making changes. Through all my research I came across a treatment center in Mexico, called Hope4Cancer that caught my attention and used non-toxic cancer therapies. I knew I was led by the Holy Spirit here and found my saving Grace! This was the place I am meant to go to! I felt it deep within me. Hope4Cancer treats the whole person, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. They have an integrative approach to cancer and assess each person on an individual basis. It is a 3 week long intensive, in-clinic program. They have a team of nutritionists, nurses, therapists both physical & emotional, and amazing caring doctors who specialize in cancer. Everything I needed help in. I watched one of the testimonies on the Hope4Cancer website and this one woman who had the same diagnosis as I, spoke as if she was living my life and received amazing results. I knew at that moment this is definitely the place I need to go for my treatment. Unfortunately, no cancer treatment is ever a 100% guarantee and having a cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence but it can be a time to rebuild your life, define what is important and teach you a lot about yourself and things you need to work on. Unfortunately, having this diagnosis does come at a cost and is very taxing on the finances. There are a lot of out-of-pocket expenses they don’t mention when dealing with this disease. I need to return to Mexico for follow-up treatments in October and it is important and my hope to raise $50,000 USD to help with all the extra expenses, as soon as possible. I have always been happy to help anyone I could in need but not very good at asking for help for myself. So here I am humbling myself and asking for your help now. Thank you and I appreciate whatever your heart is called to do. For my family and friends who have been faithfully praying for me, offering love, encouragement and emotional support from the beginning of my journey, I am so grateful for you, I love you and I am absorbing it all up. Keep it coming, with you and God by my side I am strong and I will beat this!

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