

• On June 29th a traumatic accident occurred at their residence Jamie was attempting to ignite a fire in the backyard when there was a great amount of pressure in a gas can he was using. The gas quickly ignited all over Jamie. Becky ran out and assisted him with rolling on the ground to put the flames out. Then she quickly got him into the pool to ease the pain and keep his legs at a decent temperature. He had gas all over him. Jamie then had to be rushed to Corning hospital to receive quick treatment. He was later transferred to strong memorial in Rochester NY via ambulance. He is currently in the burn unit receiving care for his second and third degree burns. Approximately 50% of his lower extremities were affected. Jamie will be needing a lot  of prayers for a speedy recovery.  They will suffer loss of income from loss of work for the time being and possible large amount of medical bills depending on insurance coverage. Anything helps & the entire family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts!

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