

**Update - 15/08/2024** Unfortunately on Sunday we got the devastating news that the NHS will be terminating Hannah’s treatment.  Hannah has since spoken to Professor Thomas J. Vogl (Head of the Department of Radiology at Goethe University Hospital Frankfurt who believes they can offer her alternative, life saving treatment which would include targeted chemotherapy called ‘chemoembolization’ which directly targets the primary tumour but unfortunately this will come at a cost of a minimum of £16,000 for 1 course of treatment and is needed immediately as the cancer is progressing rapidly.  You have all been amazing so far by supporting Hannah’s Go Fund Me, but can we have one last big push to give Hannah & Baby Nova a final chance. Please share far & wide, and donate what you can! Thank you… Love Hannah, Her Friends & Family. ♥️ In April 2024, our gorgeous friend Hannah (age 29) found out that she was pregnant with her first child. A couple of months later, Hannah and her family's world was turned upside down when, on the 30th June 2024, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Stage 3 Lung Cancer. Pregnancy should be a wonderful and joyous time for any first time mum. However, this week- whilst going through pregnancy alone (with the support of friends and family), she has started an intensive course of chemotherapy in order to help try and stump the growth of her cancer to allow her and her baby girl a chance of survival. Since being diagnosed with cancer, Hannah has had to remain under specialist care in hospital and so has had to put her job on hold. As she is self-employed, she is not entitled to any sick pay benefits and is not currently receiving any form of financial government support. In addition to this, any help she may receive in the future will have a waiting time of 14 weeks. Hannah and her family's lives have been thrown into chaos and they are facing many hurdles ahead. The financial impact of housing costs; increase in the cost of living; and Hannah being unable to work for the foreseeable future with no financial support will be a catalyst for creating more stress. Anyone who knows Hannah will know she has always been independent and self sufficient. She is extremely proud and has always done everything by herself to get to where she is today- she would never dream of asking for help. Unfortunately, with the current circumstances, we now just want her to focus on getting better and not finances. We are asking everyone to come together and help donate in anyway they can to help remove some financial stress to allow Hannah to fight this awful disease for her and her baby girl. Lots of Love, Hannah’s friends.

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