

Hello again my dears - I’m so very sorry to ask, and it’s really hard to do so, but I am facing a heck of a task, and I need the help of many hands / any hands, to try to make light of the work I have ahead of me. As you may know from previous updates, my heart health has taken a sudden decline in the last few months and I am now in full heart failure - with just 10% functionality (EF) left. My cardiac care team at Heartland Cardiology is the best in the world, and I was blessed to survive surgery on 7/12/23 to have a new pacemaker implanted to help safeguard me from another instance of sudden cardiac death, which is how my heart trouble started back in 2013. Sadly, the damage from that incident is irreparable, and even this new pacer cannot keep my heart from continuing to decline in function until she ultimately fails. We’ve exhausted all medical options at this point and I’ve been placed on the heart transplant list, and by the end of this week I will need to go into full time skilled nursing care in the hopes that we can preserve that 10% functionality until a donor heart becomes available. The University of Kansas Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery team will be overseeing my care and may soon place me in long term care at KU med until a transplant is available - I don’t know what’s to come next and I am super scared but I am leaning on my faith and my wonderful friends and trying to prepare myself and the kids as best I can for whatever comes next for us. And I need some help, guys - my employer was cruel enough to dismiss me when I was hospitalized during my second recent heart attack at the end of May. This has left me with no medical insurance and no income for almost 2 months now and my meager savings have been exhausted. My daily heart meds alone were more than $100.00 at last pickup, and they will need to be filled again soon. And while I’ve been immensely blessed to have a job where I worked from home for the past several years, I fear that a change in my ability to work status may be coming soon - and may prevent me from finding a new job to support myself while I fight this battle. I’m pretty scared guys, and I could use some help right now. Financially I need to be able to hire help to pack up my home and secure a storage unit where the kids and I’s stuff can be safe while I am away in care, and I need help with funds for transport to and from the many upcoming appointments I have, as I am no longer able to drive, or even walk very well any more. I also need help with the most basic needs - feeding myself has become a challenge. I thank everyone who has stepped in recently to buy me milk when I needed it, and was unable to provide for myself. I also need to secure care for our beloved baby dog, Arizona the baby polar bear, as I am afraid that I will have to surrender him or have him put to sleep to keep him from languishing in a shelter while I am away in hospital. I need to hire movers and cleaners and I need to hire someone to assist me during these last days before I go into care - and while a local RN is graciously donating as much time as she can spare, I need funds to purchase a cane and a walker and other medical devices I will need going forward. Thanks to everyone in advance - I wish I could be more graceful in this request, but all I can say is that I sure need help, and every pair of hands that can chip in right now is needed desperately. This is heavy stuff - thank you for anything you can do to help make it lighter work.

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