

Hello everyone, my name is Ana Rosa Rodriguez and I am asking for help for my brother in law Sotero Saenz and his family. On July 1st he suffered a stroke and is currently in Arcadia Hospital in Los Angeles, Ca. Being that he is the sole provider and is unable to due to the condition he is in we are asking for help for him and his family, my sister Erica Gutierrez and their two daughters. They are going through a very hard time financially and emotionally. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone in advance. Hola a todos, soy Ana Rosa Rodriguez y estoy pidiendo ayuda para mi cuñado Sotero Saenz y su familia. El pasado primero de Julio sufrio un derrame cerebral y se ecuentra en El hospital Arcadia en Los Angeles, Ca. A causa de su condicion se le es impossible proveer para su familia, mi hermana Erica Gutierrez y sus dos hijas.  Estan pasando por UN momento muy dificil tanto emocional como economicamente. Cualquier ayuda se Les agradece. Gracias por adelantado.

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