

Hi, If you know me, you know Biscuit, she has been around and touched many of your lives in the 3 years I have had her. A few days again she became sluggish walking, and then didn't want to at all, started crawling around and panting heavily. After a trip to the vet and two days in hospital she has been rushed into surgery to fix two compressed discs, putting pressure on her spinal cord. Without the surgery she would become paralysed within 2 days and lose vital bodily functions. The decision to get this surgery was not taken lightly given the cost I have incurred already, but the actual surgery cost to come. Whilst I have had Pet Insurance since Day 1, this has all but been exhausted in the last 2 days with the first vet visits, CT Scans, and Spinal tap. I rarely ask for favours, and those who know me know I am pretty generous with my time for you, but now this has basically levelled me emotionally, spiritually and financially. If you can donate a little it would be appreciated and go a long away to helping get back on track.

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