On a joyous spring day in May 2024, when all Muslims in the world were celebrating “Eid” our dear sister Begum received the devastating news that she has Stage IV Ovarian Cancer after a series of consultations with her doctor and tests during Covid. She was informed her cancer cells are spreading aggressively throughout her body, including her lymph nodes. After undergoing three months of high-dosage chemotherapy, her cancer cells were reduced just enough throughout her body for the doctor to perform a full Hysterectomy in the fall of 2024. After three weeks of post-surgery recovery, she resumed her 2nd round of Chemotherapy for the next four months, ending in January 2024. After her treatment, her CT scan showed no signs of cancer, and we all were extremely elated that her cancer was in remission. Unfortunately, her happiness was short-lived when in May 2024, again during Eid celebrations, her doctor informed her cancer is back and is spreading quickly throughout her body. She took time to travel in June 2024 and then Begum resumed her 3rd round of chemotherapy ending in Mar 2024 with the hope that her cancer will be in remission after undergoing 9 months of treatment. Fast forward to Jun 2024, her CT scan results showed her cancer cells are not shrinking and her Oncologist recommended to undergo a 4th round of chemotherapy starting in Sep 2024 indefinitely every week. Begum and her family are very worried and heartbroken since it is unknown how long she can handle the effects of weekly chemo sessions or what happens next if there is no response to the treatment. To give Begum’s immune system a boost and a fighting chance with her weekly chemo treatment, she is seeking alternative treatment with a reputable medical facility that has an excellent track record of treating cancer patients where conventional medicine has not been as effective. The facility is known as, Immunity Therapy Center (ITC)- www.immunitytherapycenter.com, is located in Tijuana, Mexico. There, Begum will undergo a two-week intense therapy program to boost and strengthen her immune system to help fight the cancer cells within her body. ITC doctors have assured us that they will be able to tailor the treatment based on her illness and unique DNA structure. The expected cost of Begum’s treatment is approximately USD 22,000, which includes various forms of therapy such as stem cells, immunotherapy, hypothermia, nutritional program, medicines, and vitamins. Please consider contributing, however large or small, to make Begum’s journey fighting the cancer battle a little easier. Please feel free to share Begum’s story with your family and friends who can help us reach our goal. Every dollar and every share means more than you can ever know. You may contact Shahida Abdullah for any questions or to contribute directly. May God bless you and your family! Here are some resources for your reference: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8h34ZHEtIU • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhTMgBtU8nQ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO2mPDlicE8 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1EpQvTrbHg • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA8Qh25o-ys
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