My name is Vikki and I’m starting this go fund me for my daughter Delaney whose car was stolen last night and totaled in a police pursuit. She had just finished unloading groceries but had not locked her car yet and went to bring some food to our extra fridge in the garage. She noticed a light in her car but it didn’t register wrong in her brain until she watched her car drive off around the corner. It was stolen, right in front of our house and her eyes! I told her to call 911 quickly. The police were on the lookout within minutes and and they spotted her car just a few blocks away. They tried to pull the thieves over when they fled and led the police on a pursuit for a couple miles before crashing her car into someone’s home on the other side of town. The 3 thieves were arrested (we found out the driver was only 14 years old). The 80 year old lady in the house was unhurt, but her house was damaged and her dog went missing. Delaney’s car was impounded and completely totaled. My daughter and her husband were all ready struggling to make it. Her living with me and working 2 jobs while he is training for the army in Oklahoma after recently reenlisting. She only had liability insurance on her car. Now, no car and a headache to figure out where to go from here. She will have to pay towing and impound fees while figuring out how to dispose of the car, find a way to and from work, and eventually get a new car. Meanwhile she is alone to figure this out with her husband across the country training to serve in the army. We’re very thankful no one was hurt and really are hoping the lady in the house finds her dog! If anyone could spare a few dollars to help these young adults who are doing the right things to make their way in life we would appreciate it soooo very much! Thank you for reading my story❤️
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