Hi, my name is Dean and I am fighting Colon Cancer. During a recent colonoscopy, the doctor discovered something very concerning. Two weeks later, the biopsy results were back. Cancer. They weren't able to determine the stage of the cancer, due to complications with the scan. My doctor consulted with other experts in his field and the decision was that the entire colon needs to be removed. Disbelief, shock, and fear were among the range of emotions which I felt all at once. It was too much and I went numb. In the best case scenario, I will be off work for a month. The worst case is one I don't even want to consider. My wife and I have decided to focus on the positive things in our lives rather than worry or give in to fear. It isn't always easy, but we know the positive attitude is necessary for a successful recovery. We know there will be more doctor visits, prescriptions, hospital bills, and other expenses. We have insurance, but there are many costs involved. It is expected that the costs will exceed our resources, which is why we are raising funds.
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