

My husband David is currently recovering from another heart valve replacement operation (open-heart surgery) and has developed endocarditis again. The first time was 12 years ago. Due to the endocarditis affecting both his heart and his teeth, he has had to get all his teeth removed. David is on disability and his only income is CPPD (Canada Pension Plan Disability). I am self-employed so we have no health benefits/medical coverage of any kind. Because of the endocarditis, David is only able to get a certain type of dentures which will cost around $4000-5000. He's already been without teeth since April 2024. "Missing teeth can cause a wide variety of health effects. This is largely because when you’re missing teeth it’s harder to properly chew food. This mechanical breakdown helps the digestive system access and absorb the nutrients in food, but when you can’t chew properly, you may miss out on that nutritional value. If your body can’t properly digest food, you’re more likely to develop bacteria in your colon. The longer you wait to replace a missing tooth, the more nutrients your body misses out on and the more your health could decline. " (from David already has enough other health issues: fibromyalgia, degenerative disk disease, arthritis, bicuspid aortic valve and aortic stenosis... please don't let the lack of teeth cause him more health issues to deal with!! I am a graphic designer, and if I could get more clients, that would help us out a lot too. Do you or anyone you know need branding, advertising or social media done for your business? My website is: Dave Lapchuk in his skateboarding days (photo by Harry Gils) David in the recovery room after his heart valve replacement surgery in August 2024 Our wedding ~ October 22, 2016

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