Knowing how to respond during a seizure can save lives. While riding in a hotel elevator, 16-year-old Claire Howell had her first tonic-clonic seizure. By the time the elevator doors opened, she was having back-to-back seizures. People in the lobby watched not knowing how to help her. The paramedics were finally called and she was taken to the hospital disoriented, confused, and had lost her memory from the last few days. She was soon diagnosed with epilepsy and post-traumatic amnesia as her head was not protected during the seizures. Claire is starting a fundraiser to develop an educational phone app that will instruct bystanders to respond quickly to a person having a seizure. Knowing how to respond during a seizure can make a difference and save lives. Thank you for your donations and please share with others that might be interested. Any remaining funds will be donated to the NorCal Epilepsy Foundation.
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