

My name is Alex and I am the little sister of Catrina. My sister has had a very hard year that started with the loss of my nephew on new years followed by finding out she has breast cancer just a few short weeks after burying her only son. She has been going through chemotherapy for most of the year and still has a long way to go. She will be going through a double mastectomy the first part of November and has been in and out of the hospital the past month. Bills are adding up and money is tight. We are asking for help in order for her to focus on treatment. On behalf of my sister and my niece we thank everyone in advance who donates and shares and for those who have been helping her throughout this journey. My sister is strong and continues to push through even on her worst days for those who would like updates I will be posting updates on my sister periodically from here on out. We appreciate you all...

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