Kevin, aka Casey Rodentsky, has brought so many people so much joy in the community. Now he's truly struggling and could use our help. Casey is entering an intense program where he won't be able to earn an income to pay his rent and keep his home. Additionally, copays and deductibles are a barrier to his care. If everyone Casey knows donated just $5.50, we'd meet this $5k goal! And he knows a LOT of people who have been there for the good times. Now he needs all of us even more in this challenging time. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. UPDATE: AUG 14. Hello wonderful friends. Casey (Kevin) is moving forward in his care. He has also received confirmation the required deductible, will be more than what has been raised thus far. And, that's not including medical bills which have yet to be received. Based on this, priorities have shifted, and the bed is on hold. Priorities: #1 necessities for Kevin and his furr-kiddo Ixie (home, food, electric), #2 Medical Finances, and #3 Transition back to things Kevin needs, but are not dire to keeping a roof over his and Ixie’s head. Your generosity has been a gift and we thank you all! If you're able to donate any more or are willing to run a fundraiser to donate funds, it will be greatly appreciated. Kevin is diligently in care currently and making real and permanent strides. So we're raising the GFM amount to help knock out those bills. Please give, if you can!
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