

Hi my name is Angela ! This is from my son and sweet Buttmunch. My best friend. You’ve seen me post a lot of him over time. We’ve been buddies for 11 years. No matter what I’ve been through, he has always been a constant source of support and joy. Before I found him, I’d been on my own for not too long and my plan was to not have any pets, because i didn’t want the responsibility. I never thought a dog would come along and tune into my personality and change my mind. Just seeing his face and spending time with him has brought me out of the darkest places. He’s the most patient, respectful, and just all around happy dog. He enjoys life to the fullest and spends most of his time rolling around and just being silly and happy. I just got some of the the absolute worst news possible. I’m going to have to say goodbye to him much sooner than I ever expected. What is home without my boy? The thought of it makes me feel sick. I don’t know how long I’ve got with him, but I’m gonna make sure that he has the best time possible while he’s still with me. I’ll probably be posting a bunch of adventures soon…whatever he’s up for. I love my buddy Kevin we have decided to fight his cancer. Chemo is very costly and so it’s with a warm heart that we ask people to give whatever financial gift they can to help this sweet boy. Please give what you can and if not financial, please pray that his treatment gives him more time. Thank you!❤️ Angela please share❤️

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